Bhutanese Master Lopon Dorji Rinchen Rinpoche gives Empowerment on Aug 13, 2016 in Immenstadt

Lopon Dorji Rinchen Rinpoche will give an empowerment into The Buddha of Limitless Light (Amitabha) and the Buddha of Limitless Life (Amitayus) on Aug 13, 2016 at 13:00 at the Europe Center in Immenstadt.

The empowerment is part of the two-week international Diamond Way Buddhism Summer Course with Lama Ole Nydahl, Lama Jigme Rinpoche and Lopon Dorji Rinchen.

Lopon Dorji Rinchen, born in 1963, is one of the highest Lamas and meditation masters of Bhutan. He studied Buddhism in Bhutan and India, spent many years in meditation retreats and has been a principal and teacher at several buddhist universities in Bhutan. He currently serves as the Learned Master of the Central Monastic Body of the Royal Government of Bhutan.

Honoured with the title “Tshoke Lopon”, he is one of the highest ranked meditation master of Bhutan, a buddhist kingdom where “happiness” is a key performance indicator for the development of the country.

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Further information about the Europe Center and the Summer Course:

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