Gdansk, Prague and Hamburg met for a city retreat

From November 18 to 20, 2023, friends from the Diamond Way Buddhist centers in Prague and Gdansk visited our center in Hamburg for a city retreat with joint meditation, getting to know each other and exchanging about Buddhist topics.

Immediately after the arrival of the friends from Gdansk and Prague in the meditation hall of the Hamburg center, the city retreat began on Friday afternoon with a video call with Lama Ole and his family 

Meditation hall of the Diamond Way Buddhist center in Hamburg during the video call with Lama Ole and during meditation

After a common 16th Karmapa meditation and dinner, the members of the three centers shared their stories and experiences as well as pictures and videos about the construction and operation of their beautiful centers.

Left: Welcoming friends / Right: Courtyard of the Buddhist Center Hamburg

After several meditation sessions, a lecture with two traveling teachers from Hamburg and Prague took place in the meditation hall.

In addition, those of us who had never been to Hamburg before were particularly pleased with a short city tour of places from the history of Diamond Way Buddhism in Hamburg and the sights of the beautiful Hanseatic city of Hamburg.

After a big party on Saturday evening, we ended the weekend with a talk by our traveling teachers.

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