Colombia’s Victory Stupa Shines and Inspires Visitors

The first Diamond Way Stupa of the Americas was inaugurated by Nedo Kuchung Rinpoche on the 5th of November of 2022 in Colombia. 

For almost four years, many Latin American sangha friends worked hard on all the requirements and processes involved in building a stupa. The first seeds for this Stupa where planted in 1993 when Lopon Tsechu Rinpoche, Lama Ole’s first teacher, visited Colombia.

Many years later, on November 2012, Lama Ole and Nedo Rinpoche performed the Earth Dakini puja on the Stupa land, and then choose the Tree of Life in forest nearby the Colombian Diamond Way Retreat Center, Karma Palsang Ling (KPL). Since then, Lama Ole’s students from all around the world supported the Stupa Project in many different ways.

Left: Nedo Rinpoche guiding the construction of the Stupa. / Right:Inauguration of the Stupa

The result of this shining stupa was possible thanks to the collective effort and enthusiasm of the international sangha. About 700 people attended the inauguration ceremony. The Colombian Sangha is more than grateful to have worked hand to hand with Nedo Rinpoche on such an inspiring project that brings so much benefit to all sentient beings. 

The Victory Stupa can be visited in KPL, near the town of Villa de Leyva, three hours driving from the capital of the country.

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