Nedo Kuchung Rinpoche inaugurates the first Diamond Way Buddhism Stupa in Lithuania

After many years of wishes and two years of actual work, the Lhabab Stupa was inaugurated in September 2022 at the Diamond Way Buddhist Center in Stupkalnis, Lithuania.

Thaye Dorje, H.H. the 17th Karmapa and Lama Ole blessed the location of the Stupa in 2012 and the type of stupa was chosen by Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche. The groundbreaking ceremony was held in 2020 under the guidance of Nedo Rinpoche.

Left: Karmapa and Lama Ole blessing the location of the stupa – Center: Nedo Rinpoche inaugurates the Stupa – Right: The Lhabab Stupa in Stupkalnis

Finally, the inauguration ceremony was led by Nedo Rinpoche on September 24, 2022 and attended by over 1500 Diamond Way Buddhists from around the world.

It was a great pleasure to work and spend time with Nedo Rinpoche at Stupkalnis. His devotion and joy was precious and we look forward to meeting him again soon.

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