9th annual Americas Course in Mexico

The 9th annual Americas Course was a powerfully joyful return to form. During the last weekend of February 2022, over 250 people from more than a dozen countries gathered near Cancún, Mexico for meditation practice and instruction, panel lectures, and sharing meaningful time together.

It was historic in terms of breadth of global representation and number of participants. While such gatherings have always been incredibly memorable, this year everyone had a more acute appreciation for how precious it is to be able to come together in such a way.

One highlight was when Lama Ole joined the course participants via zoom. Without much need for updates, questions, or exchange of information through conversation, he focused his blessing on everyone – both collectively and individually. Such a simple and profound interaction gives confidence in the maturity of our student-teacher relationship. Along those lines, there were several practitioners who had not yet taken Refuge with Lama Ole, but have managed to establish themselves in the practice of dharma in his centers. The sincerity they expressed when introducing themselves was most touching.

The two most significant current projects in the Americas shared updates in depth with everyone. Friends from Colombia told about the Stupa of Complete Victory that is being built at the Karma Palsang Ling retreat center. The vast efforts and amount of details that must be considered are incredible. The eventual result truly will be a culmination of countless collective wishes. The local hosts also had some very good news to share. At the time of the course, they were weeks away from purchasing the remarkable center in Cancún. Since then, it has been finalized. After the course, over 100 friends visited the center in celebration of this great achievement.

Categories: Uncategorized

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