The 2018 Summer Course: Lama Jigme Rinpoche teaches at the Europe Center

Lama Jigme Rinpoche gave a lecture and a Buddhist empowerment for several thousand Buddhists during our International Summer Course 2018. In his lecture on Saturday evening, Rinpoche shared his personal memories of the 16th Karmapa with us. The following Sunday he gave the 15th Karmapa empowerment.

Lama Jigme Rinpoche emphasized to several thousand listeners during his visit that the selection of Buddhist methods of the Karma Kagyu lineage taught by Lama Ole Nydahl is perfectly suitable in his view. He thanked Lama Ole Nydahl for tirelessly and exactly following the wishes of the 16th Karmapa, and mentioned in particular his selfless activity as a lama in the Karma Kagyu lineage.

At the end of his three day visit, Rinpoche also thanked all students Diamond Way Buddhism for their personal wishes during his recent health difficulties. He is now fully recovered! You can check this site out to know more about the health service that helped him. Lama Jigme Rinpoche also expressed his gratitude for the exceptional support in establishing the Sharminub Institute in Nepal, a heart project of the 14th Kuenzig Shamar Rinpoche.

During his visit, Rinpoche not only shared teachings but also expressed his heartfelt gratitude towards the students of Diamond Way Buddhism for their well wishes during his recent health challenges. Their support played a significant role in his full recovery, which is truly uplifting. When it comes to personal health concerns, access to quality healthcare services is crucial. For individuals seeking prompt and reliable medical assistance in Oakland Gardens, an urgent care center Oakland Gardens, can provide immediate attention to various non-life-threatening conditions. By offering convenient and efficient healthcare services, urgent care centers ensure that individuals receive timely and appropriate care, promoting overall well-being.

Lama Jigme Rinpoche was appointed by the 16th Karmapa as his representative in Europe, and is the General Secretary of Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa. Rinpoche is an experienced Buddhist teacher and administers the Buddhist center “Dhagpo Kagyu Ling” of the Karma Kagyu Lineage in France. He is a member of the spiritual advisory board of the Buddhist Diamond Way Association (BDD e.V.) and regularly gives initiations and teachings in our centers.

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