Buddhists from over 50 countries attend the Summer Course in Immenstadt

After 15 wonderful days together with our precious teachers and friends from 58 countries, Nedo Kuchung Rinpoche closed our annual summer course with an empowerment on Sunday.

Several thousand participants are now on their way home, and looking forward to meeting again next year. Since the first international summer course in the ‘90s, it has always been the place where everybody from around the world comes together, not only for meditation and teachings, but also to deepen friendships across borders and even continents.

Stupa in front of the main building at Gut Hochreute
Public lecture by Lama Ole Nydahl
Mahamudra teachings by Lama Ole Nydahl
Meeting of the Traveling Teacher
The course site at Gut Hochreute in Immenstadt

Lama Jigme Rinpoche and Lama Ole Nydahl

Lama Jigme Rinpoche sharing his memories of the 16th Karmapa

Lama Jigme Rinpoche sharing his memories of the 16th Karmapa

Empowerment into the 15th Karmapa by Lama Jigme Rinpoche

Lecture by Tony Karam

Lecture by Tony Karam
Empowerment given by Nedo Kuchung Rinpoche
Empowerment given by Nedo Kuchung Rinpoche

Empowerment given by Nedo Kuchung Rinpoche
Nedo Kuchung Rinpoche and Lama Ole Nydahl

As always, we organised everything ourselves, with hundreds of friends donating their time and skills to make it happen. Each day, over 300 volunteers cooked, cleaned and helped in many different ways to give all of us the precious opportunity to be together with our teachers. Volounteering during the summer course at the Europe Center is always a special experience, where so many different cultures come together to make the course a success.

A special thank you from all of us to our teachers Lama Ole Nydahl, Jigme Rinpoche and Nedo Rinpoche. We are happy and grateful for your guidance during the course, and for giving us access to the transmission of the Karma Kagyu Lineage. We would also like to thank Tony Karam, who has again given precious teachings on our course this year. Thank you for beeing with us!

Categories: Uncategorized

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