International Fundraising Projects 2018/2019 – News 01

International Fundraising Projects News 01

Kyiv Diamond Project in Ukraine

Friendship beyond time and boundaries

We are deeply touched by all the support and love we received from you, friends. You donated around 10.000 Euros! Thank you very much for your generosity! We also sold lots of our stuff: 65 flower crowns, more than 100 Kyiv Diamond t-shirts and dresses, over 200 pairs of socks, and numerous stickers and bracelets. Many of you also came to our corner to get a “diamond” pin and chocolate coin as a gift!
We threw 2 big parties and participated in 2 Brazilian dance workshops, conducted the amazing game quest and lottery inspired from the games at, sang Ukrainian songs, and had a great time with our bright costumes. We also collected money for an amazing gift for Nedo Rinpoche – an embroidered portrait of the 17th Karmapa. Every day you came and shared joy with us. Our two fellow projects – Karma Dechen Ling and Tyresö – became our closest friends. Now we really know how it feels to have a huge, supporting and loving family all around the world.
May our new Buddhist center in the capital of Ukraine benefit many. We look forward to seeing you at Karma Berchen Ling!
With deep gratitude to Lama Ole Nydahl, your Kyiv Diamond team from Ukraine.

Kyiv Diamond Project Logo

Kyiv Diamond Project Visual

Kyiv Diamond Project – sketch of the building

Kyiv Diamond event at the EC

Kyiv Diamond event at the EC

Kyiv Diamond event at the EC

Kyiv sangha at the EC Summer Course

Karma Dechen Ling (KDL) in Uruguay

Dreaming big at the EC!

Hello, friends everywhere!
We would like to share the amazing experience of presenting the new project Karma Dechen Ling from Uruguay during the summer course at the Europe Center.
Although KDL is located in Uruguay, we had the chance to work with friends from Argentina, Brazil and Chile, following Lama Ole’s wish that this place be the meeting point of all sanghas in the region. Friends from all over the world came to the stands of the three international fundraising projects. They shared stories about their experiences in dharma, made connections with the South American sangha and donated money for the project. We sold many different products, which we brought from our countries, like sweets, herbal teas, handicrafts and many more, specially made for this occasion. One very important thing for us was the exchange with the friends of the other two projects, giving our best and going beyond our limits to create the best conditions for the development of the Dharma in our countries.
Now, it is the time to share everything we learned with our sangha, for the benefit of all!

Karma Dechen Ling (KDL) Logo

KDL General view

KDL Project – sketch of the building

KDL at the EC

KDL at the EC

KDL at the EC

KDL sangha at the EC Summer Course

Tyresö Retreat Center in Sweden

Tyresö, The place to realize the Dharma

Wow, the Europe Center, such a wonderful place, such energy, inspiring people, activities and above all fantastic, powerful, wise and endlessly compassionate Lamas.
We got lots of support in the form of wishes, donations and people who bought a lot of the t-shirts, malas and lottery tickets we brought. We offered everyone rice blessed by 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje and the famous Tyresö tattoo, which you could see on many shoulders and some other more exciting body parts. ;)
We told the story of the first ever retreat center in southern Sweden, which didn’t last so long, yet the wishes of the 16th Karmapa and Lama Ole remained. Those timeless wishes became a new opportunity to make a Swedish retreat center a reality. During the Stockholm course in March 2017, Lama Ole Nydahl blessed the land and gave instructions for the project.
Three months later, we were honoured by the 17th Karmapa visiting and blessing Tyresö, and giving it the Tibetan name “Karma Jangchup Choling” or “The place to realize the Dharma”.
Right now we are in the process of negotiating the price for the new land, now that the owner has finally decided to sell after many months of us waiting for his decision. That happened during the EC course and we feel the blessing of Karmapa and Lama Ole with all the wishes from our friends.
With a very happy and grateful heart full of love for all our friends, we thank you and looking forward to meeting you again. May you all happily reach enlightenment and benefit all beings without exception.

Tyresö Logo

Tyresö Project Visual

Tyresö Project

Tyresö sangha at the EC Summer Course

Categories: Uncategorized

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