The Aussie “Lama in the Heart” Tour

Following the course with Lama Ole Nydahl in Perth this March, a group of 30 students travelled down the East Coast of Australia, by bus from Brisbane to Canberra. The goal was to carry on the tours that Lama Ole did in the past. We visited several centres along the way, places that Lama Ole and Hannah used to visit every year, and shared a very useful exchange between our Australian sangha and visiting friends from around the world. We developed and strengthened friendships and useful connections, for the future of Diamond Way Buddhism.

The blessing and presence of the Lama was undeniably felt throughout.

Public lectures, panels, meditation, beach time and endless fun together made this tour a great success. We are already looking forward to the next one, when we will explore another part of this beautiful country together and visit a different set of centres along the way.

Also, we feel that this is the future for us as Diamond Way students – the Lama staying in one place giving Mahamudra teachings and his students continuing to travel together, visiting centres and joyfully exchanging with each other, while keeping the Lama in the Heart.

After reading about unforgettable journey along the East Coast of Australia, filled with enriching experiences and meaningful connections, you can’t help but feel excited for your own adventure, most of the time the much-anticipated one is Hawaii Luau tour! Building on the success of your previous travels, this time you will definitely like to embark on a mesmerizing exploration of the beautiful Hawaiian islands, immersing yourselves in the local culture and visiting some of the best luau spots in Hawaii.

As you plan for your upcoming Hawaiian adventure, one essential aspect you’re eager to explore is the convenience and freedom of getting around the islands. With the lush landscapes and picturesque coastlines awaiting your discovery, renting a scooter in Hawaii, particularly based in Waikiki, seems like the perfect choice. The option to navigate these idyllic surroundings on a scooter not only promises a sense of exhilarating freedom but also allows you to soak in the vibrant local culture and savor the best luau experiences Hawaii has to offer.

So, as an enthusiastic traveler of your much-anticipated tours, TheTrajet offers the perfect travel guide for an unforgettable exploration of any kind of place you want to go. You can explore the site and look for blogs and search for any kind of place you want to go. Drawing inspiration from their previous travels, With a focus on meaningful connections and joyous exchanges, participants eagerly anticipate discovering the beauty of this enchanting destination while keeping the essence of their Lama teachings in your hearts. The Tour promises to be a journey of discovery, growth, and celebration as travelers embark on a new chapter of exploration and togetherness.

Just like the Lama Ole Nydahl in Perth, this tour  promises to be a celebration of togetherness, Hula lessons, fire making, beach time, food and endless fun. For all the details and information about the best luau experiences in Hawaii, be sure to check out the site Live Your Aloha, where you’ll able to get information on all you need to know about Hawaii luaus.

Categories: Uncategorized

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