German-speaking Buddhist centers meet in Braunschweig

26.-28. May 2017 / Braunschweig, Germany

Once a year all the Diamond Way Buddhist centers founded by Lama Ole Nydahl from German-speaking countries, meet in Braunschweig, Germany to coordinate their activity, exchange experience, and present their plans. For the first time this year, we’re meeting in the springtime, a welcome change in weather to the usual October meeting.

After the meeting in 2016 when Lama Ole was in retreat, everyone is pleased to have him back at the meeting again to answer questions, hear about our challenges and provide guidance to his centers.

The remarkable center here in Braunschweig was built as an iron foundry, then served as a heavy vehicle workshop until we bought it in 2003. A unique aspect of the center is the sunny “Buddha factory”, where unique knowledge about the art of statues has been taught by Eastern teachers, and beautiful clay Buddhas are created regularly for our other centers around the world.

Topics discussed this year include the role of the “new generation Buddhists”, young people who are interested in participation in centers, how to find the balance between collaborative decisions in large groups and the integration of the knowledge of members with many years of experience.

Categories: Buddhist Centers

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