USA 14th National Presidents’ Day Meditation Retreat


On February 15-18, 2013, the sangha (practitioners) from the Diamond Way Buddhist Centers in the United States held a national meditation course in the New York Hudson Valley region called, “Living Buddhism: Deepening Our Practice”. The course was the second in a series of “Living Buddhism” courses in the U.S., which aim to put into practice Lama Ole Nydahl’s wishes that we produce, rather than just consume, Buddhism. It was also the 14th Annual Presidents’ Day Meditation Retreat in the Northeast Region of the country, located in the near vicinity of the future Northeast Retreat Center (NRC).

As in the past, friends from all over (including as far away as California) came together to focus on meditation practice, with nightly lectures and questions & answers. Some time was also dedicated to fundraising for the NRC and planning for the regional activity in the next few months.


“We want to produce Buddhism, not consume it. We want each of us to develop into a temple and not create one somewhere outside. We want to allow each of us to possess the ability to really benefit others. Because we do not want to believe or believe in a fanatic way, we really want to develop everyone’s potential and everyone’s power. You have to understand that you have to stay conscious and to keep producing Buddhism in your lives.” Lama Ole Nydahl on Producing Buddhism (USA, 1995)


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